7250 psi ICP SENSOR
This sensor is a must have for pushing ICP over 4500 psi. It is capable of reading all the way up to 7500 psi when used in conjunction with our high-pressure IPR Valve.
Custom ECM and FICM tuning is REQUIRED. Custom ECM and FICM tuning for the high pressure ICP sensor is required when data logging pressure. Actual real pressure will be reflected on the read out. When data shows 5500 psi, you are making 5500 psi.
Contact us for recommended tuning companies at 866.276-2511 or customerservice@warrendiesel.com.
NOTE: If running a Thumper II Pump - we are NOT responsible for the pump blowing apart. You are running this pump at your own risk.
high performance, high pressure IPR Valve for the 6.0L Powerstroke. This product is modified from a BRAND NEW OEM Motorcraft IPR Valve.
- Guaranteed not to blow open.
- Built to withstand 5500 psi without any modifications.
- Tested to 6000 psi on our engine dyno.